Sunday, June 15, 2008


Ever since arriving in Romania last week we've been smiling. It makes no sense as more than any other venue this little seaside town has pushed Seas artists to the brink. Here in Mangalia we weren't just trying to attract a underserved audience to new art but it has felt like we are here starting an Art scene from scratch. The new city gallery opened with Seas artist Anna-Lise's Kiss & Waste project to essentially ourselves and a handful of local faces. There are no nightclubs in Mangalia so we had to get inventive with a former shop. Upon arrival it didn't even have a pavement outside! The mayor moored his boat right outside our front door and blasted UEFA Football & dancing cheerleaders in his bid to get re-elected. We stayed in the city's finest hotel but even here my bedclothes are dirty and my body riddled with insect bites. And still we smile.
There is something so amazing about the people we meet and the stories we hear. The bar man who was forced to dump his girlfriend in the bad old days because she was English and therefore a threat to national security. Revolution square with it's massive soviet style mural. Ramus the stall holder who teaches me a new Romanian word everytime I walk by. And the music - everyone has an opinion on music. Guitars rule here. While DJ-ing I get the most diverse requests for Pendulm to Romanian ska.

Our opening night felt like a youth club as teenagers piled into the venue from the nearby park. Initially dismayed it actually turned into a blessing. Metro- Boulet- Dodo took the challenge and produced their finest performances of the tour in Night Scene. Outside 'Monday in the Sun' did the same with their agressive dance. And after the night's work was done all the artists came together in the club - to vent frustrations, to dance & to laugh. Our Seas Club even ended up in the Sea with improteau night swimming. The next night all those teenagers returned with friends - and the cheeky brats from the night before were now our most loyal audience. It wasn't just the kids who changed there behaviour we did too. We were transformed and energised by their attention.
Our Social Club was buzzing and the sunrise beers became the norm after we had packed the last of the kids off home. By Friday we had our groove down and Electric Brother from Bucharest took control of the decks. This left us to take control of the Barbie! So I smile and thank Mangalia, Dan & Alex at the White House, for transforming us from a group of touring artists into the best of friends.

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